Volume 8 of Climb the Highest Mountain series.
If you had to choose right now between the light of Christ and darkness of Antichrist, which would you choose? Most would say the Light, of course!
But if the strategies and practices of the forces of Antichrist were carefully calculated to deceive and confuse you, would you know the difference?
Here's a true guide to help you divide the real from the unreal, including:
Science of the Spoken Word for spiritual growth and protection
Difference between white magic and black magic
True understanding of compassion versus sympathy
Difference between true attainment and psychic phenomena
Immortality: choice between mechanical solutions and spiritual enlightenment
Overcoming the influence of false gods
Who is Antichrist?
Where you can find souls of like heart and mind on a spiritual path
Chapter Titles:
1. Your Synthetic Image
2. Your Real Image
3. A Heap of Confusion
4. What Is Individuality?
5. What Is Consciousness?
6. God in Man
7. God in Nature
8. Karma: The Law of Integration
9. Reembodiment
10. The Highest Yoga
11. The Ascension
12. Ascended and Unascended Masters
13. Hierarchy
14. Brotherhood
15. The Christ
16. The Cult of Hedon
17. Psychic Thralldom
18. Armageddon
19. Thy Will Be Done
20. The Law of Cycles
21. Planes of Consciousness
22. Immortality
23. Entities
24. The Messengers
25. Prayer, Decrees and Meditation
26. Black Magic
27. Antichrist
28. The Summit
29. Twin Rays
30. Integrity
31. The One Path above the Many
32. The Great White Brotherhood
33. Attainment